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  • Infrared Thermographic imaging has proved to be a valuable tool in the monitoring of the performing, injured or recovering equine. It is often difficult in veterinary medicine to make a true diagnosis of injury due to changing symptoms or the lack of visibly recognisable symptoms. Add this to the patient's inability to communicate and we are then faced with frustration for the vet, trainer, therapist, farrier, equine professional, and disillusionment for the client.

  • Research conducted by Dr Turner on racehorses in the USA has shown that Equine Thermography can identify areas of injury up to three weeks before your horse exhibits clinical symptoms. Horses are naturally prey animals, and mask injury to prevent predation. You might get the feeling that your horse is a little bit 'off', but not really know why - Equine Thermography can show you!

  • Infrared electrical inspections find hot spots caused by defects in connections and components. Infrared thermography is used to find areas of excess heat (caused by increased resistance) so that problems can be corrected before a component fails, causing damage to the component, creating safety hazards and productivity loss.